Hi, thanks for dropping by.

My name is Alex. I’m obsessed with tech, science, art and personal development (among other things). Welcome to my little corner of the internet. ✨

A digital illustration of a pastel-coloured isomorphic home office. The office features an iMac sitting on a small desk, a rolling office chair, a bulletin board with notes and artwork pinned, a bookshelf filled with books, and a large fern plant sitting on the floor next to a window.

Some recent-(ish) coding projects

In the spring of 2022 I decided to venture into the world of programming. Here are some of the mini projects I made to help me learn about web development.


  • Self-hosted portfolio website starter
  • Showcase your projects & blog posts.
  • Built with Gatsby and deployed on Netlify
Screenshot of the dark mode "Devfolio" portfolio website, with a title in the top left, navigation in the top right, followed by a hero section with welcome text and social links

Pomodoro Timer

  • Stay on task with scheduled pomodoro breaks
  • Press start/pause to control the timers
  • Choose long or short break & receive an alert when time is up
Screenshot of the "pomodoro timer" project, with a toggle button to choose the length of time, followed by a large circle enclosing the time remaining and a start/pause button


  • Secure password generator
  • Choose your complexity (length, characters, numbers, symbols)
  • Receive a password strength rating
Screenshot of the "magician" password generator project, with a slider to choose character length and checkboxes to control the password complexity, followed by a button that generates a new password

Robot Secretary

  • Web Speech API
  • User must accept permissions
  • Speak out loud and have your words transcribed into text
Screenshot of "Robot Secretary" project with a large empty textbox, a green start button to begin transcription, and a red stop button to stop


  • Interactive on-screen keyboard
  • Piano key labels displayed on hover
  • Music notes sourced from the Internet Archive

Want to see more?

Check out some of my other projects on GitHub! 👾

Alex’s Bookmarks

Justifying my excessive internet-usage by sharing all the cool stuff I find. ✌️🤪

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