Tag: productivity
Productivity Spark Summit 2025
Happy New Year! ✨ This past weekend I attended the 2-day Productivity Spark Summit hosted by Ali Abdaal and his lovely wife Dr. Izzy Sealey. Each day began with some thought-provoking questions, guided meditations and exercises to help us visualize what a successful life looks like to us, and set goals that are in alignment. Izzy is a…
Become a Google Master
Think of Google as a gateway to almost all information on the internet. You type in a query and get your answer in an instant. Boom! It’s magic really. If you’re an SEO professional, a hacker, a student or just a person that’s short on time (aren’t we all?) then you need to hone your…
The Benefits of Digital Planning
If you’re wondering if you should switch out your paper planner for a digital one, the answer is yes.