Tag: canvas

  • Creative Coding with p5.js

    Creative Coding with p5.js

    What is Creative Coding? Creative Coding is a method that uses computer programming for artistic expression. In this method, the goal is not predefined and the process is based on discovery, variation, and exploration of mostly unexpected results. – Tim Rodenbroeker p5.js is a Javascript library. A library is a collection of predefined functions. Libraries…

  • Painting with Pixels: A Short Introduction to the Canvas API

    Painting with Pixels: A Short Introduction to the Canvas API


    in ,

    Creating digital art with canvas feels like ✨ magic. ✨ It was originally introduced by Apple for their Safari and dashboard UI components, and (lucky for us) the Canvas API is now built-in to all modern browsers. We can use it to create all sorts of awesome drawings, graphs, animations and games. Anything that you…